We are former law enforcement and have used these products. We serve law enforcement and offer here what is preferred and used by most departments around the world. Our product line is much larger than shown here, so if you want a different specification, we can help.
We'll continue on this path to find the most effective products at affordable prices to keep officers safer on the job – from ballistic shields, body armor, helmets, K-9 protection, and scene lighting.
And finally, a message to our customers:
“Thank you for your service. Stay safe.”
Police Ballistic Shield™ was founded in 2017 near Tampa, Florida by Steve Bush, President, with the goal of providing quality products for law enforcement to keep officers safer on the job.
The company began as the sole source for the Riggs Shield™, a patented ballistic shield that mounts to the inside of a patrol car, becoming the fastest deploying shield on the market.
Deputy Robert Riggs saw it firsthand when his partner was ambushed in his patrol car which had armored door panels installed. Fortunately, his partner survived the attack with bullet wounds to his hand when he tried to protect his face. Riggs went to work to develop a solution to prevent that scenario in the future.
Steve Bush worked in law enforcement in Cleveland, Ohio for 14 years, in Corrections and Patrol. He was a martial arts instructor with a 6th Degree Black Belt in Chinese Kenpo and black belts in American Kenpo, Tai Kwon Do, and Judo. He is also a certified NRA instructor. He developed self-defense programs for law enforcement used by many federal, state, and local agencies.
Steve understands the needs of law enforcement. Our sales team are either current or former law enforcement or military.
“We are in business to save lives.” As a global provider of body armor and personal protective equipment since 1997, HighCom Armor designs, develops, tests, manufactures, and distributes dozens of National Institute of Justice (NIJ) compliant hard and soft armor products as well as other high quality ballistic and personal protective gear.
Caliber Armor is a Kentucky-based manufacturer of ballistic body armor plates, panels and soft body armor. Since 2019, they have provided the CaliberX IIIA ultra-thin and light soft armor, Level III UHMWPE, and AR550 plates with a unique multi-curve bend process and superior fragmentation coating.
Two of our product vendors, Legacy Safety and Supply and 221b Tactical, teamed up to produce a better K-9 armored vest with ventilation that doesn’t restrict the movement of the K-9, and keeps them cooler.
Woodwork created by Officer Brian Kozera and available at FloriYankeeWC@gmail.com
Police Ballistic Shield, Inc.
Contact us by phone/text to 813-748-1473 or email Steve.Bush@PoliceBallisticShield.com. Do not use GoDaddy's chat feature on this website. It doesn't contact us and we cannot turn it off.
Copyright © 2017-2025 Police Ballistic Shield, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Stay Safe.